111 research outputs found

    On angular ordering in medium-induced radiation

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    Medium-induced gluon radiation gives rise to the strong energy-loss observed in single-hadron spectra in heavy-ion collisions. Its angular structure, leading e.g. to intra-jet correlations, is only known for the one-gluon inclusive case. In the vacuum, properties such as angular ordering appear when considering less inclusive distributions due to destructive interference effects. We present a calculation which takes into account interference effects in a medium for a setup in which we consider gluon radiation off a quark-antiquark pair with a given opening angle. Surprisingly, computing the spectrum at leading-log accuracy we find that an ordering exists which is exactly opposite from that in the vacuum. We estimate the magnitude of the effect along with a discussion of the implications of such "anti-angular ordering" on jet physics in heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High Energy Nuclear Collisions (Hard Probes 2010), Eilat, Israe

    Jet physics in heavy-ion collisions

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    Jets are expected to play a prominent role in the ongoing efforts to characterize the hot and dense QCD medium created in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. The success of this program depends crucially on the existence of a full theoretical account of the dynamical effects of the medium on the jets that develop within it. By focussing on the discussion of the essential ingredients underlying such a theoretical formulation, we aim to set the appropriate context in which current and future developments can be understood.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, few minor corrections, references added. Final version published in IJMP

    Resolving the J/\psi RHIC puzzles at LHC

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    Experiments with gold-gold collisions at RHIC have revealed (i) stronger suppression of charmonium production at forward rapidity than at midrapidity and (ii) the similarity between the suppression degrees at RHIC and SPS energies. To describe these findings we employ the model that includes nuclear shadowing effects, calculated within the Glauber-Gribov theory, rapidity-dependent absorptive mechanism, caused by energy-momentum conservation, and dissociation and recombination of the charmonium due to interaction with co-moving matter. The free parameters of the model are tuned and fixed by comparison with experimental data at lower energies. A good agreement with the RHIC results concerning the rapidity and centrality distributions is obtained for both heavy Au+Au and light Cu+Cu colliding system. For pA and A+A collisions at LHC the model predicts stronger suppression of the charmonium and bottomonium yields in stark contrast to thermal model predictions.Comment: SQM2008 proceedings, 6 page

    Gluon shadowing in the Glauber-Gribov model at HERA

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    We calculate shadowing using new data on the gluon density of the Pomeron recently measured with high precision at HERA. The calculations are made in a Glauber-Gribov framework and Pomeron tree-diagrams are summed up within a unitarity-conserving procedure. The total cross section of \vphot A interaction is then found in a parameter-free description, employing gluon diffractive and inclusive distribution functions as input. A strong shadowing effect is obtained, in good agreement with several other models. Impact parameter dependence of gluon shadowing is also presented.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures; references added, discussion of model enlarged, calculation of low-x contribution corrected; to appear in Phys. Let

    Gluon shadowing and unitarity effects

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    New data from HERA experiment on deep inelastic scattering have been used to parametrize nucleon and Pomeron structure functions. Within the Gribov theory, the parameterizations were employed to calculate gluon shadowing for various heavy ions. The latter was compared with predictions from other models. Calculations of multiplicity reduction due to gluon shadowing for d+Au collisions at forward rapidities at s\sqrt{s}=200 GeV are in good agreement with BRAHMS data on the nuclear modification factor.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Acta Physica Hungarica A, Quark Matter 2005 poster session proceedings; minor changes in the text adde

    Coherent J/psi production - a novel feature at LHC?

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    Energy dependence of heavy quarkonia production in hadron-nucleus collisions is studied in the framework of the Glauber-Gribov theory. We emphasize a change in the space-time picture of heavy-quark state production on nuclei with energy. Longitudinally ordered scattering of a heavy-quark system takes place at low energies, while with increasing energy it transforms to a coherent scattering of projectile partons on the nuclear target. The characteristic energy scale for this transition depends on masses and rapidities of produced particles. For J/psi, produced in the central rapidity region, the transition happens at RHIC energies. The parameter-free calculation of J/psi in dAu collisions is in good agreement with recent RHIC data. We use distributions of gluons in nuclei to predict suppression of heavy quarkonia at LHC.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; experimental data and reference included, conclusions unchanged; to appear in Phys. Lett.
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